Dallas Fire Department Visits ECC!

  • Post published:February 9, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Cityscape’s Early Childhood Center had some special guests from the Dallas Fire Department… a Dalmatian puppet dog named Sparky alongside Officer Lewis.

The DFD’s Rescue team showed our students what a fire alarm should look like and what sound it makes. Our students also learned what to do in case of a fire or if a person is on fire.

They all yelled “Stop, Drop, & Roll,” and learned that there should be a Family meeting point in case of any emergency.

Another important lesson today was: when to call 911 and what information to give them. Our two students: Gemma & Jesus participated in showing their classmates how and when to call!

At the end, Sparky played a couple of games with all of students like hide and seek and a guessing game.

To finish off, our students pledged to follow everything learned in any case of a fire.

We’d like to thank Dallas Fire Department for their time with our amazing students!