Child Find
Cityscape Schools is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating children from birth through age 21 with known or suspected disabilities who reside within and/or attend school within the school district’s boundaries to determine whether a need for special education services exists. Child Find includes children who reside at home, in group homes and/or who attend private or home schools within the district’s boundaries regardless of place of residence.
Everyone in the community who is concerned with the welfare of children may participate in the Child Find process. The Special Education department accepts referrals of children who may have a disability. If an assessment is recommended, the assessment is provided at no cost to the parent. A referral to Child Find may be made by a parent or by any person concerned about a child. Parent involvement and agreement is obtained prior to any further action. Information is confidential and the privacy of the children and parents is protected.

- (214) 824-4747 Ext. 156
- (214) 331-0109
- (214) 333-7097
- 1353 N. Westmoreland Road, Cottage 3 Dallas, Texas 75211