One of our seven pending TIA designees, Ms. Lindsey Miles, joined our district (via East Grand Preparatory) last year. She currently teaches 6th grade mathematics and has been teaching for three years in total. Before coming to Cityscape, Ms. Miles majored in criminal justice and had dreams of becoming a juvenile probation officer. Her desire was to reduce recidivism and show the adolescents that there were still opportunities available to them. However, she also had the call to teach, which happily brought her to the Cityscape family.
When asked about her high marks on the T-TESS and the MAP assessment (student growth), she responded “I really try to ensure that my students are always engaged!” She added with a chuckle, “I am loud and energetic. I tell the students to match my energy. Emotions are a big part of how we learn. I tell them to BE EXCITED when they come to class. When my kids are excited, I know they are ready to learn.”
When asked what advice she would give to those who are currently in alt cert programs, as they chose teaching after earning a bachelor’s degree in a major other than education, Ms. Miles replied, “Give yourself grace. Celebrate those little victories! If you have a student who only grew by one percentage point, celebrate that one point! If you arrive at work late, celebrate that you made it for those students who need you! Keep yourself motivated through those little victories!”
When asked for some words of commendation for Ms. Miles, EGP Assistant Principal, Dr. Israel Garcia, said, “When you are in Ms. Miles’ classroom, it is difficult to miss the action; her voice goes up and down, she is enthusiastic about her lesson and her attitude is contagious. She has the highest expectations for her students, and keeps them accountable through one-on-one conversations, data, and parent meetings. It is my honor to serve with her every day.”
Ms. Miles closed the interview by stating how glad she is to be here at Cityscape and how much she loves seeing those students every day. Clearly, the feelings are mutual all the way around!
Read about other Cityscape’s FIRST T.I.A. Designees here: https://www.cityscapeschools.org/congratulations-to-the-districts-first-tia-designations/