The Teaching and Learning team members, trained in high impact instructional practices, work collaboratively in an effort to increase student achievement. Additionally, the team understands how to make data informed decisions to grow and support teachers’ curricular practices. Knowledgeable of effective lesson cycles, strategies and practices, in order to better support teachers, their guidance is student focused. Teaching and Learning provides professional development that is written and delivered to focus on student growth and progress. They write assessments and analyze multiple data points as well as align curriculum with instructional student needs.
Professional development of best practices and research-based stragies are provided by our team, the regional support of Region 10, and national leaders in curriculum, instruction and dual language such as Drs. Thomas and Collier, Dr. Hector Rivera, and Dr. Doris Luft de Baker. Strategically focused, some examples of professional development includes Bridging, Language Acquistion strategies, and the knowledge and use of English Language Proficiency Standards. Teachers also receive training on supplemental online instructional tools such as Achieve 3000/Smarty Ants, Education Galaxy are used to raise comprehension, fluency, and numeracy skills
Cityscape teachers are also given trainings to adapt and administer standards-aligned, leveled pre-assessments to collect data to be used for standards specific intervention. Using the assessment data, personalized learning pathways are developed and formative assessments are used to gauge student progress and to adapt curriculum to support student learning.
Progress monitoring will be tracked and communicated through the learning management systems. Formative assessments are developed in conjunction with our campus and district assessment calendars and appropriately paced to correspond with our scope and sequence.
Some of the curricular apps and resources we use at Cityscape Schools include NWEA, district created assessments through Eduphoria, Teacher Resource System, Savvas, Education Galaxy, Istation, Smarty Ants, and Achieve 3000.