Superintendent's Message

A message from Superintendent Leonard Brannon
Cityscape Schools is a free, open enrollment, PreK3- 8th grade charter school district located in Old East Dallas. Cityscape Schools does not have tuition. As a public charter school district of choice, Cityscape Schools follows the same rules and regulations as traditional public schools and administers the same state exams. Cityscape Schools has its own district and is not part of DISD.
Our mission is to provide under-served children in our community with a free, rigorous, high-quality education that offers the knowledge, skills and character traits necessary to thrive in school, college and the competitive world beyond. We have been in Dallas since 2006. Our vision is to work in partnership with families to prepare children and young people to fulfill productive leadership roles in society.
Cityscape Schools exists to work in an educational partnership with families. We desire to provide a distinctive environment of educational opportunity for all children and young people in our community. Our students will have the opportunity to become well prepared, life-long learners possessing the character, knowledge, and wisdom necessary to succeed, lead, and contribute to their community and to their fellow man.
We build a partnership among parents, students, and teachers that puts learning first, by providing outstanding educators, and secondly by maintaining a strong culture of achievement. We believe that your zip code should not define your destiny. We envision that Cityscape Schools will have a transformational impact on the city of Dallas. Our goal is that every one of our students will serve as role models to their families and communities. Our college graduates will return to their communities demonstrating the impact that education has had on their own lives and transform poverty through productivity by raising the standards and opportunities for growth.
Start the journey for your child by enrolling your student during the next enrollment period. This does not preclude a student enrolling at anytime during the year. If you are interested in enrolling, fill out an application or enroll online.
Yours in service changing cityscapes one child at a time.