Individualized Education Program (IEP)
I.E.P. is an acronym for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and is an educational plan that addresses the individual needs of a child. It takes into consideration the child’s strengths and weaknesses, parent concerns, assessment results and areas of academic and developmental need in order to develop goals and objectives for the school year. The IEP is created through a team effort at an ARD meeting and reviewed at least once a year.
The IEP outlines the school’s plan for providing specially designed instruction and related services to address the needs of the student that arise due to his or her disability.
The Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) establishes that parents are equal members of the ARD committee team. The ARD process gives parents a voice in determining their child’s IEP. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in the ARD process by asking questions, sharing their concerns, and speaking on their child’s behalf. It is important for parents and school staff to remember that this is a collaborative process.
A special education teacher or speech therapist will serve as the case manager for each student. Good communication between parents and case managers is encouraged prior to the ARD committee meeting. The case manager will work collaboratively with the parents, service providers and general education teachers to develop draft IEPs. Draft goals and accommodations will be sent home to parents for review prior to the ARD meeting to allow parents sufficient time to prepare for the meeting. The case manager will also work with the general education teacher to develop a plan to address the individual needs of each student. The ARD gives the parents a voice in determining their child’s IEP. Parents are encouraged to actively participate in the ARD process by asking questions, sharing their concerns, and speaking on their child’s behalf. It is important for parents and school staff to remember that this is a collaborative process.